Voter Resources

Voter Resources

Ontario County Board of Election


Here is a link to the Ontario County BOE website:

Ontario County BOE

New York State Board of Elections


Here is a link the the New York State BOE website:

New York State BOE

Register to Vote


You can register to vote online using the New York State DMV Electronic Voter Registration Application. You can also use this app to update the information you have on file with the New York State Board of Elections.

Register to Vote Online

You can register to vote in person at the address below. Click the link below to access the form

Ontario County Board of Elections office 74 Ontario St., Canandaigua, NY 14424.

Register to Vote in Person

Polling Place Lookup


You can use the link below to lookup your polling location.

Ontario County BOE Polling Place Lookup

New York State Voter Status Lookup


To check the status of your voter registration, please visit the New York State Voter Registration Search link below.

New York State Voter Registration Search