Become a Committee Member

Join the Committee


Be a Petitioned Member

  • Represent Democrats in a Farmington election district by asking democrats in that district to sign your petition

  • Circulate petitions for other democratic candidates

  • Volunteer to help with candidate campaigns

  • Assist with committee fundraising and events

  • Participate in meetings of both The Farmington Democratic committee and the Ontario County Democratic committee

  • Be a full voting member of both the Farmington Democratic Committee and the Ontario County Democratic Committee

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Be an Associate Member

  • Assist with committee fundraising and events

  • Volunteer to help with candidate campaigning by canvassing, phone banking, writing post cards, and attending campaign events

  • Participate in meetings of the Farmington Democratic Committee and become a member of a sub-committee

  • Be a full voting member of the Farmington Democratic Committee


Be a Candidate

We are looking for candidates who:

  • believe in Democratic values

  • have a desire to be more involved in the community

  • will run a positive campaign

  • want to make a difference