Our Platform

  • Keep Farmington a safe, desirable and affordable place to raise a family

    • Ensure property taxes stay low

    • Support working families

    • Work to make high speed internet available to all Farmington residents

    • Ensure the town does not become over developed

  • Protect Farmington’s local environment and support clean energy initiatives

    • Promote public awareness of the implementation of greenhouse gas-emitting technologies in the town

  • Protect the economy of Farmington 

    • Support local businesses

    • Encourage job growth

    • Support farmers

    • Encourage a crop share program or weekly farmers market

  • Promote transparency and encourage participation in the Farmington town government

    • Encourage easy to use technology and website

    • Encourage posting of open positions

    • Promote voter registration

  • Promote and protect the history and character of the town of Farmington

    • Protect the agricultural nature of rural Farmington

    • Apply the principles of Smart Growth to focus development solely into and within the designated areas of the Town Master Plan

    • Not over developing the town

  • Promoting diverse culture

    • Promote and encourage diverse cultural events through signage and promotion

    • Encourage activities for senior citizens (i.e. senior center)

    • Encourage access to public transportation

  • Promote civility

    • Work productively with town government and other political committees