Building a Better Community For All
Our Vision
Building a better community for all
Our work is to build a better community for all Farmington residents by:
Recruiting, endorsing, nominating, and running Democratic candidates
Giving Democrats in Farmington a voice and representation
Promoting Democratic values of fairness, equity, opportunity, and caring about people and their lives
Our Platform
Keep Farmington a safe, desirable and affordable place to raise a family
Protect Farmington’s local environment and support clean energy initiatives
Protect the economy of Farmington
Promote transparency and encourage participation in the Farmington town government
Promote and protect the history and character of the town of Farmington
Promote a diverse culture
Promote civility
Meetings and Events
View our calendar and please Join us at our next meeting or event
Become Involved
Farmington Democrats invite you to help us build a better community for all by getting involved with our committee
Become a petitioned member
Become an associate member
Run for office in Farmington
Contact Us
Feel free to contact us with any questions